Title : Supernova: The Knight, The Princess and Falling Star
Author : Dee Lestari
Genre :Drama, Supernatural, Sci-fi
celebrating their 10th anniversary, a gay couple, Reuben and Dimas, intended to create something together. Reuben, a professor of Psychology Faculty, was obsessed with quantum physics and its link to spirituality. While Dimas, a professor in literature, was adamant to present Reuben’s wacky theories in a popular fiction format for readibility factor. Reuben gave in and they started writing a novel together.
Based on a classic fairytale Knight, Princess, and The Falling Star, they designed their story and characters.
The Knight was portrayed by a successful executive named Ferre. He had everything going on for him and was on top of his career. But, an interview he had with a reporter named Rana changed his life. Ferre fell in love with Rana who reminded him of a princess in fairy tale he once read. The problem was, Rana was already married to Arwin. Yearning for freedom and haunted by her past regrets, Rana embraced Ferre in her life. They started to have a relationship.
In another side of the story, a top model named Diva led a double life. Outside her glamorous life on catwalk, Diva was a high-class escort woman. In her eyes, everyone wasalso being a prostitute in some ways or another. She just consciously chose to sell her body while keeping her heart and mind uncompromised. Her clients were drawn to her honesty and sheer bluntness. Diva was dispassionate to all of them, except for a young man named Gio, whom she treated differently. For Gio, Diva was his first and only love.
Meanwhile in the cyber space, an avatar called Supernova became the link that connected everybody. Supernova’s newsletter, The Kindergarten Of Life, was always worth to wait. Supernova’s perspective was refreshing and it became a source of answers of many, including Rana.
Her relationship with Ferre grew more challenging each day. Rana was afraid to leave her marriage. Without her knowing, Arwin found out about his wife extra marital relationship. Due to his consultation with Supernova, Arwin took an unexpected stance. Rana was taken by surprise.
Ferre was on his lowest point. His childhood trauma emerged to the surface. He needed to face a secret he’d been hiding under the rug. Ferre, the Knight, had to deal with Rana’s betrayal, the Princess. Now, would the Falling Star come to his rescue? Or destroying him to pieces just like how it ended in the fairytale?
Dimas and Reuben had to deal with another mind-boggling possibility. What if they were a part of their own plot? Who was writing who? The Supernova web would reveal the hidden reality before their eyes.
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