Api di Bukit Menoreh Book 01- Chapter 37

Sedayu slowly stood up. His legs were barely strong enough to hold back his weight. But he was afraid. Afraid of his brother. Afraid that his brother will kill him. And that fear was so heavly pressing on his chest, so that it surpassed his fear towards the darkness of the night o and the Randu Alas junction. Therefore, even though his soul seemed to have fled his body, Sedayu walked towards the door.

When Ki Tanu Metir
approach him, and opened the door for him, the old man heard Sedayu holding back sobs on his chest. Then he whispered, "Angger, let your mind and body to those who have them. When it is time to be taken, it will always taken, even though Angger has armed with steel will. But if it not the time for Angger Sedayu demise, then it will certainly not came. Therefore don't be afraid. "(Tl note:  Fate)

Agung Sedayu nodded his head, but the fear that gripped him did not want to leave him either.

On the
front door, once again he turned to his brother. But his brother closed his eyes. Because of that Sedayu went on. Outside he saw his brother's horse. Trembling, he stepped onto the horse's back.

"Goodbye Ngger"
said Ki Tanu Metir. Agung Sedayu did not answer. But his head nodded. With an empty heart he pulled the horse's rein, and when the horse moved into the thick night, Sedayu felt as if he had infiltrated the area of ​​death.

Finally when Sedayu realized that he had to do the trip, he immediately spurred his horse with  almost closed
eye. Every time he opened his eyes,  his chest fell rustled. On the dark night he always saw as if black shadows blocked him on the journey. But he could no longer think. Therefore he no longer wanted to see anything on the trip.

When Sedayu was
disapper beyond the night's darkness, Ki Tanu Metir closed the door again. Then he slowly approached the flagging Untara.  he asked, "Why is Angger saying that?"

Untara took a deep breath. He mumbling, "Hopefully God will protect him."



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